The Table Audio w/ Evan Rosa

You're So Vain: Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung on Vainglory and Glittering Vices

Episode Summary

Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, "Queen of the Vices" (we mean that in the best way possible), discusses soul care and excavating the heart of vainglory, pride, and other glittering vices.

Episode Notes

Yes, vanity of vanities. You probably think this show is about you. Well, it is about you; and me; and all of us. But, as our guest today, explains: "This is not a sin and guilt, beat‑yourself‑up exercise. I'm not in the shaming and blaming game at all. What I'm trying to do is move people forward toward liberation and freedom." In this episode, "Queen of the Vices" Philosopher Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung talks about vainglory, pride, hypocrisy, authenticity, and the human longing for recognition and being known. Her emphasis on grace motivates us toward a life of healing and freedom, and calls us to live up to the dignity and respect that we already have.

Show Notes

Quotes from Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
